Have a nice trip to Greece !!!
for posters: maximum size A0 (width 84-90 cm x height
120 cm )
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Posted new information on the social event.
The final version of the program is now
Instructions for authors are now
available. Please read them carefully and keep in mind that
the deadline for paper submission is 3
registered participants list is
now available.
Abstracts are
available here.
let us know if
there is any problem with either the participants or the
abstracts list.

The solar and heliospheric
science community plans to hold the Second Workshop on ESA's
Solar Orbiter Mission in Athens, Greece, in October 2006.
The Second Solar Orbiter Workshop
aims to:
Inform the wider community of the Solar
Orbiter opportunity and to investigate synergies to enhance
the opportunity, including ground-based support and modelling.
Discuss Solar Orbiter operations strategies and scenarios, and
outline how the goals of Orbiter will be achieved.
Strengthen the political and scientific support for the mission,
demonstrating the wide international interest in the mission.
Improve the definition of the payload
scientifically and
Identify ways of mission optimization and
international cooperation.
The workshop will be organized around sessions addressing these
objectives and the instrumental approaches and observational
strategies to achieve them. A specific focus of the meeting will
be the exploitation of the unique orbit and vantage point of
Solar Orbiter to link remote-sensing and in situ observations.
Invited reviews will define the general state of the field and
place the science to be conducted with Solar Orbiter in the
context of past, present and future solar and heliospheric
physics missions. They will also, together with contributed oral
papers and posters, discuss specific scientific targets and
goals for Solar Orbiter. Models and theory aspects will be
discussed in a special theory session. There will also be a
session devoted to mission aspects and instrumental and
technological issues.
Scientific Organizing
E. Marsch (D), R. Marsden (ESA), K.
Tsinganos (G) (co-chairs),
E. Antonucci (I)
T. Appourchaux (F)
P. Bochsler (CH)
R. Bruno (I)
M. Carlsson (N)
B. Fleck (ESA)
L. Harra (UK)
R. Harrison (UK)
J.-F. Hochedez (B)
Horbury (UK)
C. Keller (NL)
R. Lin (USA)
M. Maksimovic (F)
V. Martinez-Pillet (ES)
Å. Nordlund (DK)
S. Solanki (D)
A. Szabo (USA)
A. Vourlidas (USA)
R. Wimmer-Schweingruber (D)
Local Organizing Committee:
K. Tsinganos (Chair)
I. Daglis
E. Dara
C. Gontikakis
X. Moussas
S. Patsourakos
M. Zoulias
About the Solar Orbiter Mission:
By approaching close as 45 solar radii, the Solar Orbiter
will view the solar atmosphere with unprecedented spatial
resolution and about 150 km pixel size. Over extended periods the
Solar Orbiter will deliver images and data of the polar regions
and the side of the Sun not visible from Earth.
information can be found on
ESA's Solar Orbiter site.
Supported by: