
The venue of  NEB XII is Amalia Nauplia Hotel located  3 km out of Nafplio.

Local information about the city of Nafplio can be found here.

The cultural map of Greece can be found through the official website of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture
(click on "Mycenae" for the corresponding map of Argolida) .

A local map is below.


Suggested Transportation from the Airport arriving on Wednesday 28th of June 2006.

As soon as you have landed to El. Venizelos Airport take Proastiakos (suburban train service;
just follow the signs and get through a pedestrian air-bridge with a moving lane for your luggage)
to get to Korinthos city (terminal station). The timetable is as follows:

7:05 8:26
9:05 10:26
11:05 12:26
13:05 14:26
15:05 16:26
17:05 18:26
19:05 20:26

There will be a van waiting to give you a ride to the Hotel.
The van will make three (3) rides at 13:00, 17:00, and 21:00 ONLY on Wednesday, 28th of June 2006.