Programme of NEBXII Conference



θThursday 29/06/2006


 8:45 –  9:00

                       Chairman’s Welcome

 9:00 –  9:45

V. Frolov
Gravitational Field of Gyratons

9:45 – 10:30

J. Zanelli
Chern-Simons Forms and Transgression Actions

10:30 – 11:15

I. Moss
Radiating Branes (or New light on moving mirrors)

Coffee Break

11:35 – 12:20

C. Chryssomalakos
Spacetime Nocommutativity the Canonical Way

12:20 – 12:55

S. Cotsakis
The Dominant Balance in Cosmology

12:55 – 13:30

L. Perivolaropoulos
Accelerating Universe from Scalar-Tensor Theories

Lunch Break

16:00 – 16:35

M. Chichikina
Group Analysis in Quantum Gravity

16:35 – 17:10

C. Charmousis
Solution generating methods for stationary and axisymmetric metrics

Coffee Break



ROOM 1 (Main Conference Hall)


17:30 –  17:55

B. Hartmann
Monopoles, sphalerons and the cosmological constant

17:55 – 18:20

S. Das
Randall-Sundrum with Kalb-Ramond field return of the hierarchy problem?

18:20 – 18:45

I. Klaoudatou
Cosmological singularities, closed trapped surfaces and Bel-Robinson energy

18:45 - 19:10

C. Cattoen
Necessary and sufficient conditions for big bangs, bounces, crunches,
rips, sudden singularities and extremality events.

19:10 - 19:35


A. Tsokaros
New numerical method for binary black hole/neutron star data.



Friday 30/06/2006


9:00 –  9:45

I. Antoniadis 
Gravity modifications from extra dimensions

9:45 – 10:30

J.M.T. Louko
Excited by a quantum field: Does shape matter?

10:30 – 11:15

A. Corichi
Microscopic back holes in loop quantum gravity

Coffee Break

11:35 – 12:20

S. Das
Entanglement as a source of black hole entropy 

12:20 – 12:55

M. Tsamparlis
General Relativity and Collineations.

12:55 – 13:30

A. Kehagias
On the cosmological constant problem

Lunch Break

16:00 – 16:35

D. Tsoubelis
Lie point symmetry reductions of  Bondi's radiating metric.

16:35 – 17:10

J. Miritzis
Singularity analysis of varying light-speed models

Coffee Break



PARALLEL SESSION: ROOM 1 (Main Conference Hall)


17:30 – 17:55

A. Papazoglou
Scalar mode analysis of the warped Salam-Sezgin model

17:55 – 18:20

A. Herrera-Aguilar
Localizing gravity on thick branes: a solution for massive KK modes of the Schoedinger equation.

18:20 – 18:45

T. Sotiriou
The metric-affine formalism of  f(R) gravity

18:45 - 19:10

A. Kouretsis
FRW-metric and Friedman Equations in generalized cosmological model

19:10 – 19:35

O. Efthimiou
Graviton emission in the bulk from higher dimensional Schwarzschild black holes




17:30 – 17:55

F. Girelli
Phenomenology of Quantum Gravity: Quantum Reference Frames and Modified Symmetries.

17:55 – 18:20

M. Leclerc
Hermitian Dirac Hamiltonian in time dependent gravitational field

18:20 – 18:45

P. Martinetti
The thermal time hypothesis

18:45 - 19:10

P. Wallden
Effective Topology through Spacetime Tomography



20:00 Meeting of the Hellenic Relativity Society


Saturday 01/07/2006


9:00 –  9:45

D. Sudarsky
A signature of Quantum Gravity at the source of the seeds for cosmic  structure?

9:45 – 10:30

J.M. Pons
Dimensional reductions, truncations, constraints and the issue of consistency.

10:30 – 11:15

R. Maartens
Acceleration without dark energy

Coffee Break

11:35 – 12:20

R. Woodard
Leading Log Solutions for SQED and Yukawa during Inflation

12:20 – 12:55

V. Dvoeglazov
The Modified Bargmann-Wigner Formalism (Bosons of Spin 1 and 2)

Lunch Break

16:00 –16:35

N. Tetradis
Brane cosmology in a bulk with arbitrary matter content

16:35 – 17:10

Y. Shnir
Axially symmetric solutions of Einstein-Yang-Mills theory and Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs theory

Coffee Break



PARALLEL SESSION: ROOM 1 (Main Conference Hall)


17:30 – 17:55

H. Culetu.
On a stationary spinning string spacetime 

17:55 – 18:20

J. Tafel
Reductions of self-dual Einstein equations

18:20 – 18:45

G.O. Papadopoulos
An Algorithm for detecting absorbable constants in Riemannian Spaces.

18:45 – 19:10

P. Terzis
Automorphisms, a new symmetry and the cartography of Bianchi Type Cosmologies

19:10 – 19:35

N. Dimakis
(2+1)-Cosmology with a general scalar field.




17:30 –  17:55

P. Pasipoularides
Brane world scenario in the presence of a non-minimally coupled scalar field.

17:55 – 18:20

V. Zamarias
Geometrical Tachyon Dynamics in the Background of a Bulk Tachyon Field

18:20 – 18:45

B.M. Cuadros-Melgar
Stability and Thermodynamics of Brane Black Holes

18:45 – 19:10

A. Avgoustidis
Cosmic String Evolution in Brane Inflation

19:10 – 19:35

C. Bogdanos
Exact Solutions in 5-D brane models with scalar fields




9:00 p.m.  Conference Dinner





θSunday 02/07/2006


9:00 –  9:45

D. Christodoulou
The formation of shocks in 3-dimensional fluids

  9:45 – 10:30

N. Andersson
Modelling multifluid systems in general relativity

10:30 – 11:15

M. Ryan
Quantum collapse of dust shells in 2+1 gravity

Coffee Break

11:35 – 12:20

G. Schδfer
Analytical solution of the Einstein field equations for binary black holes under conformal-flat condition

12:20 – 12:55

S. Bonanos
The choice of the Bondi radial coordinate and the physical interpretation of the news function in axisymmetric space-times.

12:55 – 13:30

K. Kokkotas
Spacetime modes of relativistic stars

Lunch Break

16:00 – 16:35

N. Stergioulas
Supermassive Black Hole Formation through Rotational Instabilities

16:35 – 17:10

C. Tsagas
Superadiabatic Magnetic Amplification in Conformally Flat Universes

Coffee Break


PARALLEL SESSION: ROOM 1 (Main Conference Hall)


 17:30 –  17:55

A. Passamonti
Nonlinear effects in Pulsations of Compact Stars and Gravitational Waves.

17:55 – 18:20

H. Sotani
Possibility to determine the radius of accretion disk by gravitational waves

18:20 – 18:45

W.  Natorf
Symmetries of the Robinson-Trautman equation.




17:30 – 17:55

P. Boonserm
Generating perfect fluid spheres in general relativity

17:55 – 18:20

G. Rigopoulos
Non-Gaussianity as a new observable in multifield inflation?

18:20 – 18:45

S. Nesseris
Constraints on Dark Energy Models from the Legacy and Gold SnIa Datasets